Friday, June 25, 2010

In Faithfulness

In faithfulness
you have afflicted me

in gracious love
which gently passes my desires
to fill my deepest needs

so though I may not understand
the whys of this place
into which you have brought me

I know that you are here

and that the seasons of my life
are held by hands
pierced by love for me

As I spend time in this place
bring me to where I can say
it was good for me to be afflicted
that I might learn
the binding ways of life
into my being
in all creation
ways born out of your goodness
and longing
to give me your best
ways shaped by your wisdom and
intimate knowledge of me

the easy, freeing balance
of full life
loving and living loved
working and resting
receiving and pouring it all
at your feet

I still don’t fully understand
the whys of this place

and I don’t need to

ever faithful
are here