Monday, June 28, 2010

The Choice

I did not choose
all else to be

self shattered
need sharpened
longing lengthened
into needle points

But as I sift
through shards
a choice appears
To scavenge
of a former identity

Or nurture tender shoots
of a new and listening life

Which will I choose?

Hurried productivity
Or intentional attentiveness

Distracted servanthood
Or whole-bodied loving?

“Mary has chosen the best
and she will have it.”

This Ministry

It’s Multitude Monday. The day the Gratitude Community counts endless gifts I started yesterday, actually, and I’m over a hundred on my way to a thousand. Or a million. The gifts most calling for attention today are those hiding behind the difficult:

glimpses of Love for this dust

growth space created by disability

freedom from pagers and on call shifts

reminders that I need only be me
. . . that when I can't find the right words, God can still use the wrong ones
. . . that my worth is not defined by my work
. . . that my current ministry, so small, can be blessed by the one who fed five thousand with a boy's lunch

My ministry is not Paul’s - shipwrecks and beatings and planting churches. It’s not my past adventure - daily opportunities to touch lives on the brink of death. It's befriending the cleaner at the gym. Greeting an unknown neighbor in the elevator. Listening. Learning not to hide. 

Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. (2 Corinthians 4:1)

holy experience


And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18, NIV)

from searching gaze

But unable
to connect
to share the hope
and healing of beauty
to offer the gentle strength
we all need


And ineffective.

• • • • •

Life revealed
Glory manifest
Strength shared

Pressure to wear the veil
to hide

But You have torn it
the veil separating us from You
and You in us from each other

You have unveiled us forever
exposing for all to see
our transformation
the growth of Your glory in us.

Oh, let me not veil myself again!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Beautiful Shaking

The trunk stands firm
while all the leaves
are shaking
wholly yielded
to the caress of the breeze

each leaf on a slender stalk
specially designed
for this freeing purpose

effortlessly responding
reflecting movement
giving itself to the wind
as it conducts its way
through the branches
leaving a trail of

Holy wind
as you blow
but not unseen
through my branches
causing all my leaves
to tremble

each leaf
each fragile facet of my soul
to your whispering

may your movement
amidst my quivering leaves
create music
of healing
but ever new

Loved Dust

Most days I’m aware of my dustiness. This morning is no exception. I wake early after a half-slept night. My body groans as it faces the day. Today, so does my heart. Ever been there?

Limitations frustrate. But they also bear a reminder that sets free. Before I’m anything else, before I’m a doctor, a daughter, a friend, I am dust. Shaped of mud, a Hand-spun clay jar at once unique and easily broken. I am not built to carry the weight of the world. Another does that. I am made only to bear the light that is placed within me.

I’m dust. But not just any dust. Loved dust. The Heart that dreamed you, the Hand that shaped me, doesn’t forget our Breath-filled-clay beginnings. He doesn't forget that though we bear the dignity and glory of  Image-bearers, we still wear the frailty of dust. He carries his fragile treasure gently, care-fully. In my transience and vulnerability, I discover myself loved. Forever.

This morning the reminder of my loved-ness came through a changed class schedule which fits my body’s current demands. Thank you, Gentle Potter, for loving these bits of dust in such tender and practical ways!

As a father has compassion for his children,
so the LORD has compassion for
those who fear him.
For he knows how we were made;
he remembers that we
are dust
(Psalm 103:13-14 NRSV)

Our days on earth are like grass;
like wildflowers, we bloom and die.
The wind blows, and we are gone—
as though we had never been here.
But the love of the Lord remains
with those who fear him.
(Ps 103:15-17 NLT)

May you, too, in the midst of today’s challenges, be reminded that you are loved dust.


(You may also appreciate the echoes of God's faithfulness in our very evident vulnerability in Psalm 102)

Friday, June 25, 2010

In Faithfulness

In faithfulness
you have afflicted me

in gracious love
which gently passes my desires
to fill my deepest needs

so though I may not understand
the whys of this place
into which you have brought me

I know that you are here

and that the seasons of my life
are held by hands
pierced by love for me

As I spend time in this place
bring me to where I can say
it was good for me to be afflicted
that I might learn
the binding ways of life
into my being
in all creation
ways born out of your goodness
and longing
to give me your best
ways shaped by your wisdom and
intimate knowledge of me

the easy, freeing balance
of full life
loving and living loved
working and resting
receiving and pouring it all
at your feet

I still don’t fully understand
the whys of this place

and I don’t need to

ever faithful
are here


Roadside ditch
with purple irises
dense woods
with painted leaves
hidden fields
with yellow and blue wildflowers

creation replete with
so much more than
mere functionality

glory scattered
almost wasted
in its unquenchable overflow
from its Center

this is You
Extravagant Giver
Lavish Lover
Enthusiastic Celebrant of Life and Beauty

Creator God
how often do I ask for
basic sufficiency
when You want
to love me with extravagance?

How often do I see
only utility
and miss

Father who dances and sings
over me
who lavishes on me
incomparable riches
Your own Son
most precious gift
and everything else as well

Oh, how I want to know You
in Your fullness
in Your enormity

as much of You as I can see
and not be utterly destroyed
as much as You can pour into
little me

The edges of adequacy
are not enough

Bring me further into You
Center of all beauty

opening my eyes
stretching my heart
awakening me to Your lavishness
and enabling me to
receive and respond
in extravagance