Meet Carolyn Watts

Welcome to this quiet corner, this listening space.

For ten years, I listened daily to heartbeats.
Heartbeats of babies as they were formed in the darkness.
Heartbeats of their mothers, too, dreams and fears and longings.
I was on holy ground, witness to the quiet creation of new life.

Now, illness has brought me home from the little Central Asian baked mud hospital where I listened for the last four of those years. I no longer use a stethoscope or an ultrasound machine.

But still I listen.

Sometimes I hear only the whisper of my own heart, the urgent longing to be fully alive.
I hear the same cry deep in the groans and prayers and laughter of others too.
And when I'm given the grace to be still, when the noise without and within is quieted, I hear the heartbeat of the One who knit me together and placed in me this longing for Life and Freedom. He whispers "come," "rest," "be whole." He reminds me who He is and who I am.

Again I find myself on holy ground, witness to the growing of new life within.

This place is about listening for God's heartbeat. It's about longing and life and the joy that seeps into places of brokenness. It's about reaching and seeking and discovering that the One whom I seek is seeking me.

I'd love it if you'd listen with me.
